First of all, thank you for your interest in the work I am doing for the
U.S. Military and related organizations to assist the troops, their families,
and all military veterans make healthy transitions from the war front to
the home front. I am a PTSD specialist andtherapist from the Pacific
Northwest, and the co-author of two recent books designedespecially for
the OIF/OEF troops and their families. The books are the first of their
kind due to the fact that they have been written both by a therapist
and a combat veteran.Chuck Dean, my co-author served as a paratrooper
in Vietnam and adrill instructor upon his return from the war zone.
The workshop (Once a Warrior...Wired for Life) is designed for the
OIF/OEF warriors. Their partners are highly encouraged to attend
with them. Each workshop is a structured awareness course revealing
various ways warriors and their partners/family change during military
separation. It provides them with effective coping techniques ensuring a
smooth transition in regards to their communication and intricate
relationship-building methods after returning from a war zone. It is
also designed to encourage healthy interactions and discussions in a
group setting and help them work together indealing with critical issues
they may face before and after the deployment(s). Other important topics
include understanding the signs and symptoms of CombatOperational
Stress (COS), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain
Injury (TBI) and effectively coping with anger issues, substance abuse,
sleep disturbances, and other physical and emotional wounds. I am
currentlyproviding this workshop as part of the Returning Warrior
Program to the 7100 redeploying soldiers at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.
My workbook course (Turning Your Hearts Toward Home) is written in a
twelve-chapter format, which helps the military person and their loved one
work together in order to better understand how they both have changed
in the process of deployment. It explores PTSD, the behaviors, triggers, and
consequences of choices. The course examines issues surrounding
emotional intimacy, communication, goal setting, anger, and how these
aspects affect their lives. Recognizing and coping with the signs and
symptoms is also a most critical point taken up by this course, which is
specifically designed to launch the process of building empathy and trust
for a more positive relationship.
If you are interested in arranging a workshop or having me speak with
your group please contact me. References available upon request.
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